31 August, 2023

AnteoTech Ltd Investor Webinar Q&A: FY23 Financial Results & Annual Report


At 9am on Wednesday 30 August 2023, AnteoTech Ltd (AnteoTech or the Company) CEO, David Radford hosted a Webinar to discuss the FY2023 Financial results and outlook.

  • Watch the Webinar here>>
  • Download the Annual Report here>>

While the Webinar did address a number of questions received from AnteoTech shareholders, other questions received have been listed and answered below.

Additional Questions & Responses


1. High silicon anodes

The Company mentions “a proprietary pure silicon anode” in the About AnteoTech section of ASX releases while in media and early announcements there has only been mention of 80% silicon/high silicon. Has a further breakthrough taken place?

As part of AnteoTech’s High Silicon Anode Program, the Company is continuing to work on developing and validating high silicon anodes that contain a high percentage (70-80%) of pure silicon materials.

“Pure silicon” in this context refers to silicon that has not been modified — meaning it is not highly refined or engineered — offering advantages of size, weight, and cost over other forms of silicon.

2. Update on new projects

Can we get an update on new projects such as hydrogen electrolysis and project max slurry. Are we working on cathodes, solid state or sulphur batteries?

The current commercial focus of the Company in the clean energy sector is bringing Anteo X™ to market. This will leverage the manufacturing capability that is on track for commissioning later this year.

The Company will continue to review alternative technologies such as hydrogen energy and solid-state batteries and is actively seeking potential partnerships for the development in these areas.

3. Anteo X and flammability

When Anteo X™ is added to existing battery chemistry, across the entire battery, does it make the battery more stable, therefore making it less likely to combust under charging/stress etc? And if so, why isn’t this very important market differentiator being promoted?

The key flammable component of a lithium-ion battery is the electrolyte. The electrodes are infiltrated with the liquid electrolyte, which allows for movement of ions and consists of lithium salt and organic solvents. It is these organic solvents which are the leading fire hazard in Li-ion batteries.

Anteo X™ is a cross-linker additive that reinforces battery binders in silicon-containing anodes and boosts their performance.

Anteo X™ does not fundamentally change the chemistry of the overall battery that can cause batteries to combust under stress. By adding Anteo X™ to the anode binder, we are not changing any characteristics of the electrolyte.

4. Commercialisation of Anteo X™

$2.25 million of the capital raise has been assigned to sales/marketing and accelerating the commercialisation of Anteo X™. How will the funds enable accelerated commercialisation and what are the planned sales and marketing activities? 

Planned activities for the commercialisation of Anteo X™ and the transition to a marketing-led, sales-driven organisation include:

  • Engagement with current and new commercial partners for Anteo X™ including product evaluations and site visits by the commercial team.
  • Facilitating the production of Anteo X™ with the design and development of the Anteo X™ pilot plant facility. Commencement of commercial production is targeted in early 2024.
  • Showcasing Anteo X™ globally at key industry events and conferences, including The Battery Show Europe 2024 (the 2023 show generated more than 100 sales leads).
  • Accelerating production and expansion of usage through the employment upskilling and expansion of the Clean Energy Technology team.

5. Additional directors

Is the company actively pursuing any additional directors to join the company?

As stated in Chairman Ewen Crouch’s shareholder letter in the Annual Report, the board is reviewing the skills and capabilities required at director level to support AnteoTech’s future strategy and the focus on clean energy.

– Download the Annual Report here >>

6. Announcing counterparties

If a development deal with an EV company is announced, will you be able to release the name of the EV company?

AnteoTech is in advanced commercial discussions with several EV companies who are global industry leaders, and is also engaged with a number of other companies in the EV value chain.

The current focus is to secure commercial and partnering agreements with one or more of these EV companies, which can then deliver a pathway to revenues and underpin the future growth of the company.  Given the size and nature of these counterparties, the ability of AnteoTech to name these parties publicly is dependent on their legal and compliance requirements. For commercial or legal reasons these EV companies may wish to remain unnamed.

Once AnteoTech secures commercial and partnering agreements it will make the appropriate ASX disclosures.

7. Sharing of public information with shareholders and investors

Why does AnteoTech choose not to share with shareholders/investors what is available for all to see, with reference to a recent research paper and the distribution of Anteo X™ in South Korea?

AnteoTech has a comprehensive program to manage the timely and accurate public disclosure of information across various platforms including the ASX, the Company’s website and the Company’s social media.

AnteoBind™ was used in a research project by our customer, the Serum Institute of India with results being published in a paper in June 2023. Clinical studies with AnteoBind™ are used for the Company’s marketing and promotions to showcase the AnteoBind™ benefits.


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